Introduction to International SchoolShenyang Jianzhu University is a provincial and ministry jointly built University with the characteristics of architecture, civil engineering, machinery and other disciplines. It has 17 Shenyang Jianzhu University is a provincial and ministry jointly built University with the characteristics of architecture, civil engineering, machinery and other disciplines. It has 17 Colleges (teaching departments) and 479 professors and masters tutorsColleges (teaching departments) and 479 professors and masters tutors…
Teacher and Students Activities
Writing Chinese Calligraphy
Chinese Writing Contest
Sports Meeting
Speech Contest
Halloween Party

2024-05-20 关于2024年中国政府奖学金年度评审结果的公示根据国家留学基金管理委员《关于做好2024 年中国政府奖学金年度评审工作的通知》(留金来管〔2024〕11号)《中国政府奖学金工作管理办法》(教外厅[2020]1号)《沈阳建筑大学中国政府奖学金年度评审办法》等文件精神,国际学院结合中国政府奖学金生(以下简称CSC学生)教学和管理的实际情况,开展了2024年中国政府奖学金生年度评审工作。经学生本人申请,按照“公平、公正、公开”的原则,...
2021-05-18 According to the spirit of the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Enrollment and Management of Foreign Student Scholarships of Liaoning Provincial Government in 2021", the International College carried out the annual evaluation of doctoral scholarship students of Liaoning Provincial Government in 2021 in combination with the "Measures for Annual Evaluation of Chinese Government Scholarships in...
2021-05-14 According to the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Annual Evaluation of Chinese Government Scholarships in the 2021/2022 Academic Year" (LJ L G [2021] No.19) and the requirements of the annual evaluation of Liaoning Provincial Government Scholarships, on May 12th, our school held the annual online evaluation meeting of Chinese Government Scholarships and Liaoning Provincial Government Sch...
2021-03-25 This newspaper (correspondent Chen Zongsheng) learned from the letter from the Chinese-Foreign Language Exchange and Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Education on December 17 that our school has been approved for the international Chinese teacher scholarship online program with a training period of one semester and a training fund of 285,000 yuan.The International Chinese Teacher Sch...

This is to inform all 4th year students ,to send electronic edition of your recent 2-inch photo with blue background and be named with your passport number to school E-mail before 5th June. This is fo